Pacific Northwest Excursion

The Class
Join us on the adventure of a lifetime. You've seen the shows, now come test your ability to survive in Wild's PNW survival excursion. During this 10 day expedition, we will spend 5 days training you in all the skills you need to survive followed by the ultimate test as you break from our training camp to wander into the forest, alone, or with your group to survive completely off the land. Learn to build moss shelters that will keep you warm and dry, create fires from friction, weave baskets from rootlets, gather shellfish, hunt, trap, and fish, spear-fish, celestial navigation, and practice a myriad of other survival skills. Get "rescued" after 9 days of community, adventure, crafting, creating, gathering and living in one of the most scenic places on Earth.

The Location
This trip is designed to be the ultimate survival excursion. Not only are you surrounded with a myriad of survival resources you are also in one of the most wild and beautiful areas of the PNW. Spend your days fishing for cod, spearing fish in crystal clear water, gathering shellfish in the tide pools and building your shelter as you watch whales migrate past the island, bears combing the beach for food, otters, and the possibility of catching a glimpse of the rare 'Sea Wolves' that the area is famous for.

The Plan
Fly into Port Hardy-- Vancouver, British Columbia and meet the Wild staff and the rest of the group. Then we will all take a water taxi to Malei Island Resort where we will gather, plan for the excursion and relax in the salt water hot tub on the shore.
The following morning we depart via boat to Negei Island where we will live comfortably, sleeping in Hennessey hammocks and be well fed during the training phase of the class. During these 5 days we will focus on learning and practicing all the steps needed to survive in this area.
On the 6th morning you will depart our base camp with minimal supplies, alone, or as a group into the forest. The next 4 days you will test your skills, make a friction fire, build your shelter, fish and gather all of your own food.
Get "rescued" after 9 days of community, adventure, crafting, creating, gathering and living in one of the most scenic places on Earth. This is not just a class, or an experience. Hopefully, this is a reset, one that connects you with your own rythms and the rythms of the natural world.